Baby Cape vessels at Sagar Anchorage during foul weather months

23 Jun 2021 / Kolkata, India

In order to optimize utilization of Sagar Anchorage for lighterage/topping up operations, it has been decided to accept Baby Cape vessels having LOA from 230m to 260m in foul weather months [April to October] with a range of tide not exceeding 4.0m. However, once the vessel has called at Sagar, she will be allowed to continue her cargo work even if the range of tide exceeds 4.0m.

A retired pilot on contract will remain on board during the vessel’s entire stay at anchorage for safety reasons.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata Trade Circular No.Mrn/4E/3A dated 21 June 2021

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