ClickDimensions Security Error
Login is Undefined. Please contact our support team.
How to fix it:
  1. Make sure you are logged into Microsoft Dynamics CRM and try again. If you are logged in, go to the next option.
  2. Make sure you have correct privileges. Go to Settings > Security > Users and open your User record, click on Manage Roles. If you do not see at least one of the following checked: System Administrator, ClickDimensions Core, ClickDimensions User, or ClickDimensions Service, ask your CRM Adminstrator to give you CREATE and READ privileges for the User Session entity.
  3. Make sure your ClickDimensions Service user has the correct privileges. See the previous option for instructions and make the same updates for this user.
  4. Allow 3rd party cookies in the internet browser you are using. For instructions on how to do this see this article.
  5. If neither of those options works, update ClickDimensions or reinstall. To do this, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Auto Update.
  6. If you are currently on the ClickDimensions Settings page and getting this error, but you are not getting the error anywhere else, you will need to make an edit to your solution file. See the help article here for instructions.
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