Leading the retail industry forward through exceptional leadership

 Join 1060 BRC Learning graduates as they become the exceptional retail leaders they were meant to be

Solutions For Everyone

Business owners, HR representatives, or motivated individuals looking to spark transformation– it’s a win-win for everyone.
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 For Individuals

Through exceptional leadership programmes, become the leader your industry needs.   

For Employers

Invest in your employees by creating in-house solutions or upskilling teams with our leadership programmes. 
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Making a contribution to the mission of The BRC

The BRC, a British trade association for retail businesses, is making a positive difference to the retail industry and the customers it serves, today and in the future. 

In support of this mission, BRC Learning provides exceptional leadership training on key topics impacting the industry today and in the future.   

Our Community 

Because the best in retail want real results. Over 96 companies worldwide look to BRC Learning for leadership training and professional skill development.

BRC Learning leadership graduates would recommend our programmes to their colleagues.  

Developing your leaders. Investing in the success of tomorrow.  

Lorraine Simpson

BRC Summer School | Perfume Shop
Sometimes in this busy world you need to refocus on yourself to ensure you are bringing your best self to work to support others. BRC delivered this, having time to learn, reflect and network with inspirational leaders has been incredibly supportive to me on my journey. 

Jane Johnson

BRC Summer School | Wickes
It's never too late to learn, adapt and grow. The journey never ends, this course is only the beginning. I am the right person.

Natalie Anson

Retail Masters | Signet Jewelers
The 4-day Retail Masters course completely exceeded my expectations. The days were jam packed with data & insight, inspiring speakers, all of which were experts in their field, and a incredibly supportive and interesting group of delegates from all spectrums of the retail industry. It is rare as senior leaders that we get time out of the day to day to learn, challenge and develop and this course allowed us to do it all. Amazing!

Engineering Exceptional Learning Opportunities