Channel navigation buoy missing

06 Dec 2021 / Zayed Port, United Arab Emirates

The channel green starboard hand mark lateral buoy ZP 19 has been reported as missing. A permanent similar buoy has been deployed at the same position.

Navigation in the area should be carried out with extreme caution and keep a good lookout for the missing buoy.

BA Chart: Admiralty charts number BA 3713/3715 and related/adjoining charts numbers/scale.

Buoy ID: ZP 19
Latitude: 24 deg. 33.718’N
Longitude: 054 deg. 21.580’E
Light characteristics: G.FL.G.3S
Type: Pillar with cone mark
Colour: Green

(For information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at [email protected])

Source: Abu Dhabi Ports Notice To Mariners NTM No. 14/2021 dated 6 December 2021

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